Naoko believes that real estate is a relationship business. She continues to demonstrate her ability to build long-lasting relationships with every transaction she engages. This skill was enhanced through more than 15 years of client service management for a large global retailer. Her experiences of working as a leader with vast variety of nationalities and cultures has contributed to her current advanced people skills. Naoko's goal is to deliver the best results for her clients, while maintaining the highest level of integrity. Naoko was selected as the "Best in Real Estate" in 2013, 2014 and 2016 by Honolulu Magazine. 2021, total sales volume of $28M ranked her in top 1% of Coldwell Banker agents Worldwide. 2023, Naoko was awarded "International President's Elite'
Born and raised in Japan, Naoko is equipped with a strong Japanese cultural background and a deep understanding of Japanese business etiquette. Naoko also lived in Australia for 8 years for learning English Language and Business Management, and for the past 17 years she called Honolulu her home. Naoko is married and has one daughter, loves the ocean and surfing. As a Luxury Property Specialist, Naoko has a proven track record of successful transactions for various properties working with local and international clients.
Graduated Mukogawa University, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Credential and Awards
- Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) : Top 2% among all agents in U.S
- AREAA A-List (2021 - 2023) :The Asia Real Estate Association of America
2014 Honolulu Board of Realtors, Central Regional Grp - V Chair
2021 International President's Premier
Ranked Top 1% of Coldwell Banker agents worldwide
2022 International President's Circle Award
2023 International President's Elite Award
Notable sales and listings
Ritz-carlton Waikiki Grand PH-DE $16.95 M - For Sale
Park Lane #1703 $2.43M - Closed
Waiea #1802 (condo) $3.4M - Closed
1528 Mokulua Dr (SFH) $14.5M - Closed
Waiea #1601 (condo) $4.6M - Closed
Trump Tower Pent House C $3.9M - Closed
855 Ikena Circle (SFH) $2.84M - Closed
Trump Tower #2803 $2.15M - Closed
Summary (概要)
岡山県倉敷市出身。武庫川女子学院卒、1996 年にオーストラリアに渡り、8年間英語とビジネス・マネージメントを習得。その後沖縄転勤、国内初の DFSギャラリアの立上げ、700 余名の新入社員トレーニングに携わる。空港店のアシスタント・ジェネラルマネージャー職を経、ハワイに転勤。ハワイではクライエント・サービス部門のシニアーマネージャーとし、会員制 VIP クラブの運営を含め、お客様に関わるすべての対応管理を行う。様々な高級ブランドとのコラボイベント、各国からの VIP 会員の接待などを担当。
2012 年に常に情熱を持っていたハワイ不動産業界にライセンス取得後転職。
2021 年度の個人売買実績$28M は全世界のコールドウェルバンカー社所属の約 10 万人のエージェントのトップ 1%に。2023年、「International President's Elite」賞受賞。
ハワイで結婚、現在 13 歳の娘と 3 人暮らし。オアフ島、カイルア在住。
Education (最終学歴)
武庫川女子大学 短期大学部卒
Awards and Credential (受賞歴, 認定資格)
Honolulu Board of Realtors, Central Regional Grp - V Chair
International President's Premier Award
Ranked Top 1% of Coldwell Banker agents worldwide
International President's Circle Award
International President's Elite Award
· Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) : トップ 2%全米不動産エージェント
· AREAA A-List (2021 - 2023) : The Asia Real Estate Association of America
Notable sales and listings (取引実績一例)
Ritz Carlton Waikiki Grand Penthouse-DE $16.9M - For sale
Park Lane #1703 $2.43M - Closed
Waiea #1802 (condo) $3.4M - Closed
1528 Mokulua Dr (戸建) $14.5M - Closed
Waiea #1601 (condo) $4.6M - Closed
Trump Tower Pent House C $3.9M - Closed
855 Ikena Circle (戸建) $2.84M - Closed
Trump Tower #2803 $2.15M - Closed